השיטה ענפי לחימה המורים ילדים ונוער סניפים גלריה סרטונים צור קשר

Takeda Ryu Nakamura Ha - Israel Branch


Israel Sobukan is the official representative of "Takeda-Ryu Nakamura-Ha"

in Israel.

Founded in 2004 by Shihan Yaron Harary, who lived in Japan for 15 years during which he studied the martial arts of Takeda Ryu in the headquarter dojo with Nakamura Soke Toyoshima Shihan and other top masters.

After few years of teaching in several dojos in tokyo and 20 years of teaching in israel he recived his kaiden Shihan rank from Soke Nakamura becoming one of very few foreigners to achived this level.

Participating in the "All - Japan Takeda Ryu Championships" he won gold medal in 1993 Jukempo Randori Shiai and 2 gold medals in 1994 when he dominants Batto & Sogo Randori Shiai.

Israel Sobukan has 150 members consist of youth division from ages 5-18 and adult division ages 18-60.

Israel Sobukan is a member of the international Nihon Sobudo Rengokai led by Kaiden Shihan Valmy Debot.


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For inquiries, please contact Yaron:




הצהרת נגישותלטופס ההרשמה לחץ כאן
סוֹבּוּקאן-מכון לאומנות הלחימה "טקדה ריו" • טל. 052-8979007 ירון • דוא"ל: info@sobukan.co.il
האתר נבנה על ידי אינדיגו עיצוב ואתרים